If you don’t understand a person, you tend to think of him as a fool.” (Carl Jung). The personas method is therefore to understand all the people who make up your target customers by giving them a humanity and an identity of their own.

The appeal of this method

The personas method allows you to clearly identify your customer typology by personifying them within three or four distinct portraits. Rather than having a shapeless mass of data, only understandable by a data analyst, it is simpler to have a few portraits showing the essential traits resulting from the study of the collected data.

Indeed, the appeal of personas is then multiple. Marketing will obviously be the first to be impacted, for example, to identify the vocabulary to use on social networks, in your articles, but also to know which content to produce, or even which colors to use for your product packaging…

Furthermore, this method will not only affect the marketing sphere but will also change your sales approach. Knowing your prospects better means anticipating their questions and requests. Moreover, by anticipating, you can detect buying and selling cycles, so it is necessary to rethink your organization (use of course cycles, Lean method, …).

The realization of personas

Different ways of realizing a persona are possible. It is necessary to start from the data accumulated and collected in different ways: via your website, via your customer file, via social networks (groups of people that you will have previously identified as potential prospects, for example) or via questionnaires, before grouping them into 3 or 4 people who could exist. Imagine an identity and a short biography. Add a photo to give this persona a greater reality and develop empathy.

Let’s summarize what are the main fields that should be part of a persona:

  • identity card (last name, first name, age, job, gender,…);
  • photo;
  • a short biography;
  • passions;
  • a short CV;
  • character traits (strengths/weaknesses).

That’s it, you have created your first persona. Now you have to repeat the operation 2 or 3 times depending on the volume of data collected and the size of your market. Once this task is done, all that’s left is to move on to the practical application with the integration of these personas within your teams.

The practical application of personas

You have now beautiful personas. So, it’s time to integrate them into your business strategy by getting your employees to use them. They should always have them in mind when they make different articles when they send an email,… But how to do it? You can of course display them in the office after having presented them in a meeting. However, this is rarely enough for your employees to take note of them.

Several possibilities are available to you. Integrate your employees from the very beginning of the creation of the personas or organize a weekly serious game in the manner of role-playing games (30 minutes maximum). The advantage is twofold: it allows your teams to have a better knowledge of your customers but also to reinforce the cohesion within them.

The realization of personas and a serious game is very time-consuming and sometimes complex, so Richard Bulan can accompany you, or even realize the whole process.

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