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transformation digitale

The change of organization or production methods can lead to a certain number of obstacles within the company. Indeed, the biggest limitation that we meet almost daily concerning digital transformation is the human brake. Thus, the lack of internal competence and especially the resistance to change are the two factors that will really be problematic. But what attitude should we adopt to ensure that this digital transformation takes place in the best possible way?

A visionary top management

For this transformation to succeed, the management team must be totally convinced of the benefits and importance of this project for the company. They must spearhead the initiative and support it by being the first to use the tools. The people working on the transformation must be indirect and permanent contact with the top management so that the new practices can be extended as quickly as possible to the management and then to the employees.

Communication for anticipation

Management support is essential for the success of the transformation project. Nevertheless, it is necessary to involve employees in the execution of this project. Therefore, a communication strategy must be put in place for the teams from the outset. The objective is to show the benefits and get everyone on board, and even identify the missing skills (and therefore the need for training) so that everyone can use the new tools to the full.

Human First

People must be at the center of any successful digital transformation. Without it, the company project is likely to falter. We must support the people who will have a role, even a minor one, in this change. All those who work in the department, or even the company, experiencing this upheaval must understand the various issues and be the real players. It is a strategic project for the company that cannot, nor should not, do without them.


This digital transformation is the implementation of new tools to obtain growth gains. Nevertheless, it is an upheaval for everyone and this must be taken into account from the very beginning of the project. Moreover, Richard Bulan Consulting can accompany you in this transformation process.


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