Let us ensure the digital transformation of your company

Use the latest digital technologies to support the development of your business

Monitoring changes in society is a necessity for modern companies that respect their customers.

Thus, to adapt to the various changes in society, your company must adapt to new organizational modes (Lean, Agile, Scrum,...), new technologies (Internet of things, augmented reality or blockchain). Using technologies can allow you to develop your company more quickly.

In addition, new dangers are threatening, so it is necessary to take them into consideration and provide an appropriate response.

Global digital strategy


A real strategy for your transformation!
Let's expand your business!

Let's prepare your transformation!

Revolutionize your organization

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An organization tailored to your company!
Optimize your organization!

A digital organization!

For an optimized customer experience

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A perfectly calibrated experience for your customers!
Boost your customer network!

Your pampered customers!

Let us support your dematerialization

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Let's make it easier for you and your employees!
Secure your data and documents!

Digital, a chance!

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Global digital strategy

Before implementing the different digital tools that will transform your business, it is very important, even essential, to plan everything.

This strategy must make it possible to define well what your needs are and where a transformation is necessary to develop your structure. Such a plan makes it possible to expect, but also to expect the limits and obstacles.

An external view is required to help you with the objective realization of this plan. It is sometimes difficult to see the obstacles, especially when they come from the staff or the internal organization.

Richard Bulan, through his expertise, will establish this strategy with you objectively and with the tools.

Optimize your digital organization

A digital organization includes both the production chain, the sales organization, and human resources. It is, therefore, necessary to conduct a reliable audit to recommend tools and methods in line with your activity increasing your profitability.

The digital organization of your company will transform it sustainably by taking advantage of the fruits of digital and integrating it into the entire process.

Richard Bulan, by his mastery of the most modern technologies, such as big-data or blockchain, will bring you the most appropriate solutions for your business.

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Optimized customer experience

The sales process itself is directly impacted by the digital transformation of society, which allows your customers to have more important knowledge and access to an ever-larger market.

The technological evolution has drastically changed the expectations of your customers by raising their level of requirement.

It is, therefore, necessary to integrate them into the functioning of the sales process (personalization, identification, adapted response,...), but also by allowing them to develop an affection for the product you offer and for your company (emotional link).

These are the levers and others that Richard Bulan will help you activate so that your customer experience is as perfect as possible and in line with your customers' expectations.

Dematerialization support

The dematerialization of your company's various processes can be difficult and the most sensitive point at the moment is the security of your documents and data.

In front of the multiplication of hacking and ransomware attempts towards French VSEs and SMEs, it is necessary to set up a true backup policy of your data (by the use of tools dedicated to your security).

In addition, it is also making savings in saving time, especially concerning your commercial prospecting with implementing a CRM.

Richard Bulan will assist you in the various tasks of dematerialization and security of your data and documents.

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Why be supported during your digital transformation?

Being accompanied at the time of its transformation is a necessity. Some techniques are complex to implement and require particular expertise. In addition, an external look will allow you to have a more aim vision, especially on the brakes that may appear during your digital transformation.


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