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What does the term growth hacking mean?

What does the term growth hacking mean? Growth hacking has grown to be a buzzword in advertising circles, however many nonetheless don`t recognize what increase hacking is or why it works.
By doing growth hacking, you’ll be taking paths less traveled so you can get a head start on your competitors.

Let’s dive right into this world that is growth hacking and see how you can use it effectively.

The 10 growth hacking techniques that will boost your conversions

If you’re ready to try some growth hacking tactics and strategies, here are 10 techniques to get you started. Use those strategies to enhance conversions, however additionally to construct boom in all different regions of your business.

Growth is frequently tied to sales, however different metrics count too. For example, if you get more followers on social media, more email addresses, and more comments on your blog, your business will grow in other ways.

Now let’s take a look at these 10 growth hacking strategies.

1. Offer something for free

Getting a product or service for free is a proven way to get people interested in your brand – and quickly.
A well-advertised giveaway on social media is obviously a great option. Post it in as many places as possible to get people to participate. You can also reward people for sharing your post with their friends.
Or possibly you provide something different with each and every product your clients buy. I mentioned toilets earlier, why not offer a toilet paper dispenser?

2. Do constant A/B testing

A/B testing is essential when it comes to growth hacking. If something doesn`t work, you might not recognize why till you check it towards a variation. We advocate trying out everything, however, begin with the maximum conversion-in depth regions of your site:

  • Landing pages
  • Homepage
  • End of blog posts
  • Sales pages
  • Contact page

Focus on one part of each page at a time to avoid skewing your results. If you change more than one variable, you won’t know which one affected the result.

3. Change the layout of your home page

If your homepage isn’t exciting your audience, it may be time to go back to the drawing board. With new thinking about home and landing pages, you can create a page that is more effective for your business. This is in particular real if you’ve already A/B tested the whole lot and are nevertheless getting low conversions. Think about the home and landing web page in a whole new way. What would persuade you to convert if you were the customer?
Perhaps you’re targeting a younger audience that likes video games. By allowing gaming on your homepage, you make it much more appealing, for example.

4. Attend small, local trade shows

A true growth hacker doesn’t rule out any means that could lead him to his goal. So, he takes into account not only the online actions to be carried out but also all possible IRL actions that can generate business development. For example, if there are small trade shows in your area, consider attending them. You can go as a guest or book a booth for your company, or even be one of the organizers or a sponsor.
Making personal connections with people can help you stand out from other businesses. You can learn about their needs and preferences, and this knowledge can make you more attractive to them. To do this, you can conduct surveys or meet them directly during trade shows or by doing events directly in the street with street marketing actions.

5. Partner with every other organization to proportion audiences

Speaking of audiences, partnerships are unsung heroes. Indeed, the creation of partnerships is an essential thing. Thus, their realization must be thought out, particularly over the long term. It is necessary to analyze and select finely the various partners. If you’ve got got an audience of 50,000 and some other entrepreneur in an associated area has a target market of 50,000, you may you associated to attain 100,000 people.

Don`t search for a right-away competitor. Instead, awareness on locating a company that enhances yours. Instead, focus on finding a business that complements yours. For example, if you sell toilets, you could partner with a plumber site.
Have a number of ideas ready on how to mix your audiences organically, such as tagging each other on social media, offering packages that combine your products, or even something as simple as cross-posting on different sites.

6. Invite your audience to send you an email

DoNotReply” email addresses close communication. Such an e-mail address does not send the right signal. Indeed, it sends the message that the company refuses to communicate. Communication is only one way. This type of communication could work in the past, but in the age of transparency and social networks, it is necessary to facilitate communication as much as possible and avoid making people think: “I don’t want to hear from you.
By opening up to your audience, you can start conversations and gather valuable information from them.

7. Get interactive

Interactive content is all the rage. Whether it’s infographics, quizzes, calculators, or animated videos, people love to interact with online content.
So why not create some of that content for yourself?

8. Find the social media platforms your competitors aren’t using

If you are in a competitive industry, you may not be able to be extremely visible on Twitter or Facebook. Consider looking for smaller social networks, perhaps more specialized in your field or used prominently by your target audience.
When you can dominate a social platform, you have virtually unlimited access to your audience. By using both our website and social media platforms, you’ll be able to reach a wide audience quickly and easily. This will help you to effectively market your business, and you’ll be able to generate more leads and customers.

There are many ways to approach this method. You may have heard your audience members talking about a site, and seen on Analytics a significant provenance from a social network, so conduct your investigation. Then you start posting. hen you begin posting. Before you know it, you have a rabid fan base.

9. Issue a challenge

A great way to build a positive relationship with your audience and increase your credibility is to issue a challenge. This can be a personal growth goal, a charitable cause, or a creative activity.
For example, millionaire stock trader Tim Sykes published a Trading Challenge. He has used his training program to create several millionaires as well as many other six-figure traders. The trick here is to make it something that is not available to everyone. Tim invites people to apply for his challenge – not join him.
Similarly, inspiring people to contribute to a charitable cause can help the charity while amplifying your voice. Getting involved in something you care about will naturally draw others to you.

10. Offer a freemium option

If you own a software or SaaS company, you might consider developing a freemium model. This works great for apps of all kinds.
Offer something for free. It may not do much, but it will attract people to you.
Once your prospects see that they can benefit from your product, they will want more. Some people will never convert to paying users, but you can focus on the onboarding process.
It’s easier to retain customers than to acquire them. That’s why the freemium model works so well. You just have to convince them they want your product’s paid version.

Don’t wait to start your growth hacking strategy

Start by making a list of the best hacks you think are necessary for your business.
Once you’ve established a few strategies, implement them quickly. You won’t know until you test.

Some of your growth hacking strategies will fail. That’s fine. Stop doing those things and move on to the next step immediately. That’s how the growth hacker mindset works.


A growth hacker doesn’t care about all the little steps. He or she wants to cause exponential growth in the shortest possible time. Sometimes this means spending money on ads, giveaways, contests, and freebies. In other cases, incentives will work better.


Only you know what’s best for your business. Try at least three of these tips and if you want more comprehensive expertise, don’t hesitate to contact your growth hacking agency.

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