The acquisition is one of the most important moments of growth-hacking because it allows you to see if the site, the product you offer to Internet users fully meets a need.
This period, the acquisition is the beginning of everything and this is where all the techniques of communication are necessary, not only the techniques SEO, SMM, emailing, ads,...
but also more traditional techniques such as advertising or marketing operations.
Richard Bulan is a specialist in all these techniques and supports you in the acquisition of this clientele.
Transforming from simple visitors to users, here is the goal of this phase that is activation.
Traffic arrives on your site people visit it; now you have to see how they react to it.
Do they show an interest in your offer or do they run away quickly?
The purpose of this part is for visitors to interact with the site (registration, purchase,...).
Richard Bulan will set up the key indicators allowing to follow precisely the different actions of the users' thanks to which you can intervene, with him, if the need arises to favour the activation.

Keep users, get them back on your platform, that's the goal of retention.
It is, therefore, necessary to remind your users not only by using traditional marketing channels but also by the plethora of possibilities offered by digital!
To build loyalty among your various users, it is necessary to maintain, preserve, or even chain your community of users to arouse the desire and desire to come back to see you.
Here again, Richard Bulan will accompany you to set up and monitor the most efficient indicators (KPI).
It will also show you how to keep your users with, for example, UX (or even SXO) or inbound marketing techniques.
The best ambassadors are undoubtedly your customers.
They are the ones are at the origin of the best communication possible, that of satisfied people and who say it publicly.
Thus, it is necessary to make it as easy as possible for them to communicate about you and to leave their opinion on your company.
A bad experience can happen, so you have to take a step back and respond diplomatically while respecting your company's values and the customer.
A chatbot can provide part of the after-sales service by directing customers, for example.
Richard Bulan will advise you on all these issues which are the recommendation and the conservation and development of a good e-reputation.

Revenue is probably the easiest thing to explain.
This is not only about the amount your users spend that (or that you generate through them), but also the best ways to optimize it so that this amount will always continue to grow.
It is a problem central to the growth of your company.
Thus, Richard Bulan will help you develop your customers' basketsand the different ways to increase your profitability for sustained growth!

Where does growth-hacking come from?
The term growth-hacking appears in 2010 in the mouth of Sean Ellis, CEO of Dropbox.It explains a reality for start-ups using all means to grow and survive.
The origins of growth-hacking are in the marriage of marketing and digital.