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logo Richard Bulan avec gens courant vers le soleil couchant ensemble en signe d'engagement

You are starting to develop a real community around your brand, around your business. Then it might be time to consider your engagement rate. But before we go any further, let’s define what engagement rate is. It is the measurement of the total number of interactions on a publication to the number of exposed individuals.

To increase this rate, there are different techniques. They can be totally invisible to your followers or require a specific interaction.

Invisible reflective actions to increase your engagement rate

The first thing to do is to reflect. In this society of constant movement and action, it is sometimes necessary to stop and just think. Indeed, knowing your target is essential, so what do you know about them? Who are they? What are their habits? Etc … Draw up his ideal profile and for this do not hesitate to make personas.

And precisely with these personas and with the different data you have already collected, you can see what is the ideal time to post. You will find this data in the different analysis tools you can use. These analytics solutions can be internal to the social networks, as well as external software. Depending on social media, the lifetime of a post is different. This lifetime is the average time it takes for a post to disappear from the activity feeds. For example, a tweet lives on average only 4 hours. To maximize your engagement rate, it is necessary to think about the hours at which to post!

One thing that is also usually missing is extremely simple, it is to set goals!

Not setting goals is a lack of ambition! Indeed, having a numerical goal will motivate you to reach it and bring more regularity to your interactions. Of course, you may have to fumble a bit at first, but this is a necessary learning phase. The objectives should give you the motivation to improve and develop your interactions, especially through more concrete means…

Engage your audience with concrete means

Do you know something about your subscribers? It’s time to put it into practice and propose unique, original, and quality content. That’s all it takes!

The first thing, regardless of the network, is to play on feelings. Learn how to dose humor, and surprise, … Your post must arouse a particular emotion. You can also use direct questions or surveys. The commitment will then naturally be present. You can also set up contests, which will not only bring you new followers but will increase the engagement of your community.

It is also possible to use hashtags. However, they should be used with caution. Indeed, they are not generalizable to all social networks and all communities. Thus, they can be counterproductive, especially if they drown your message or your link…

A last key element to improve your engagement rate is to participate in the different conversations around your domain. You should also not forget to be available by answering comments in a polite and not too terse way. Here again, it is necessary to find the right tone. Participating in conversations or answering comments will show your expertise and the respect you give to your community… Be professional and at the same time accessible!


Knowing your community, and anticipating their reactions and expectations while remaining available and professional could perfectly sum up what you need to do to increase your engagement rate.


If you want to develop your social networks and especially your engagement rate, do not hesitate to call on our company, a specialist in digital marketing.

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