e-mail marketing mur richard bulan

E-mail marketing is one of the most effective ways to reach your customers on a large scale. It is also one of the most misunderstood and underused marketing channels. Many companies ignore the power of e-mail marketing, while others struggle to find effective strategies to implement. So, it will be good to recall what e-mail marketing is, then the different types of e-mail marketing strategies, and finally which one is the most suitable for your company.

What is e-mail marketing?

E-mail is one of the simplest and cheapest ways to send information. On average, more than two billion people use it daily. It is a powerful channel to reach your customers, as they are looking for information from you every day.

The key to successful email marketing is constant engagement with your customers – they are your eyes and ears, and they help you stay top of mind when they think of you, your business, and your brand. If you can do this, you can use email to build relationships and stay top of mind with your customers, so you can sell to them and offer them valuable content.

Different types of e-mail marketing strategies

There are several types of e-mail marketing strategies you can try.

Content-based e-mail campaigns

Offering useful and informative content to your customers is an important part of e-mail marketing. You can do this through blog posts, product reviews, and other topical content that helps you provide value to your readers. You can also use email archives to stay on top of your customer’s interests and create an FAQ section on your website to add value to your readers.

Promotional e-mail campaigns

When a customer signs up for your email list for the first time, they immediately receive an email with a special offer or discount. Seeing your e-mail in their inbox and remembering that you are the source of this information becomes second nature. For this to work, you need to have different types of promotions that you can offer in that e-mail.

Community-based e-mail campaigns

It’s important to build trust with your customers, especially if you want to increase their lifetime value by offering them more than the initial sale. Community email campaigns are a great way to do this by giving your customers the opportunity to interact with each other and share their interests and ideas.

Which e-mail marketing strategy is right for you?

There is no one-size-fits-all e-mail marketing strategy that will work for every business. In order to find the right strategy for your business, you first need to understand what works best for your target audience and what kind of content they are interested in. You can also use email marketing strategies to complement other digital marketing strategies.

For example, you can use email to drive traffic to your website by including clickable links in the emails you send to your customers. Once you have a better idea of your audience and the types of emails you want to send, you can use Google Analytics to see which types of emails are performing well. This will help you identify which strategies work best.

The 4-step process for writing effective emails

There are four basic principles that every email should follow to be effective. In addition, the AIDA method will help you in writing your e-mails.


Your voice is your brand’s personality, and it comes through in your e-mails. You can use your voice in your emails using the same writing style as you do for your blog posts, e-commerce listings, and other forms of content.


The headline is what people see when they open an email, so it’s important to have a clear and attention-grabbing headline.

Lead magnet

The lead magnet is the offer you make to your readers at the end of your message. This could be a free sample, a discount, a coupon code, or another piece of content that offers value to your readers.

Call to action

The call to action is what should happen when your reader reaches the end of the e-mail.

Which email service provider is right for you?

There are many email service providers on the market (as Mailchimp, SendBlue, Octopus, …), but most of them are trying to get your business. The most important factor to consider when choosing an e-mail service provider is to choose one with a proven track record. This will ensure that you are working with a company that has the experience to help your business achieve its e-mail marketing goals.

There are a lot of e-mail service providers out there, and it can be difficult to sort through them. One way to make this decision is to look at the track record of the companies that offer their services. The best e-mail service providers have a proven track record of helping companies achieve their e-mail marketing goals.


E-mail marketing is one of the most effective ways to reach your customers on a large scale. It is also one of the most misunderstood and underused marketing channels. Many companies ignore the power of e-mail marketing, while others struggle to find ways to reach their customers. However, it is necessary to develop your e-mail marketing strategy to achieve long-term results.


If you want to implement the right habits, and the right strategy for your e-mail marketing, our growth hacking agency is here to help!

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